College board test scores
College board test scores

Sally Rubenstone knows the competitive and often convoluted college admission process inside out: From the first time the topic of college comes up at the dinner table until the last duffel bag is unloaded on a dorm room floor. So, as "The Dean" said earlier, this process is not a straight line, but it's definitely worth a bit of your time to determine which schools don't need official score reports right now, which could actually end up saving you a lot more time. However, if you're applying anywhere without SAT or ACT scores and expect your AP scores to be used in place of them, check with the admission office to see if they need the College Board score report pronto. In most cases, you don't need to send official AP results until after you've matriculated. In these cases, if there are low scores that you don't want to include, you should follow that cancellation link above. Thus, if you're applying to one of these colleges, you may be expected to send official AP scores now, if you wish them to be considered when your decision is made. This year, in particular, many colleges that are newly test-optional have encouraged applicants who haven't been able to take the SAT or ACT to submit any scores that they do have, such as from APs or Subject Tests. Although there are ways to cancel low scores, there's no reason to do so because you're already IN! Colleges have relied for years on self-reported AP exam scores, and you need not send your official ones until you know where you'll be heading next fall.Įxception: Some colleges are "test-flexible," meaning that they will accept AP scores in lieu of SAT or ACT scores. Then these official scores should go only to the one college where you've decided to enroll. The Compass roster even includes links to admission web pages, so if you spot any of your target colleges here, you can just click on the name and get the inside scoop straight from the horse's mouth!ĪP exam results, on the other hand, typically don't ever need to be sent to colleges from the College Board until the summer after you've finished high school, which will also be after you've made your final choice. The list is compiled by Compass Education group - an outfit that I've repeatedly found to be helpful and reliable. In addition, here is a current list of colleges that claim their applicants can self-report SAT and ACT scores. If it's too much of a treasure hunt to find this info on websites (and it sometimes is), a phone call to the admission office should do the trick. So it's up to you to determine which of your colleges will accept a self-report until post-decision and which ones need your official scores from the get-go. It can be hard to keep track of which colleges require official agency score reports from all applicants right away and which only demand them once the applicant has been accepted and plans to attend. The change is mostly good news but it's also where some of the "confusing" part comes in. This quasi honor-system approach saves many families time and money. (And if the student had applied via a test-optional policy, then official scores would be rarely required at all, although some colleges do ask for them once the decision is set in stone, if the student will enroll). Then - only if the student is admitted and decides to matriculate - would it become necessary to follow-up with official scores from the agency. Now, however, a growing number of admission officers have decided that students can initially "self-report" their SAT or ACT scores on applications. But eventually, the scores from the testing agency were necessary before an admission verdict could be finalized. Sometimes, when the official scores didn't show up, the college folks would look the other way and work with scores submitted by a guidance counselor or on a high school transcript. Up until several years ago, all colleges that required the SAT (or ACT) also required students to send official scores from the testing agency - even though it often cost extra money to do so.

College board test scores